Maki from Japan

Read in Japanese


My lymphedema developed after two years passed after an operation of lymph dissection due to the uterine cervix cancer.

Inflammation was caused from a shoe sore, and swelling and a pain of the right foot continued, and aggravation advanced at a stretch.

I received a diagnosis with the lymphedema second with the both legs and was operated on for operation (LVA) to tie venule and a lymphatic vessel to in 2013 and the liposuction due to lymphedema and was able to tie seven places with inspection of the indocyanine green.

Furthermore, I received the operation again in 2014 one year later and had you tie five places, but a postoperative scar was tense and suffered for one year before acenesthesia and swelling pulled it, and the right foot that originally a symptom was terrible has turned worse.

The current symptom is swelling, numbness, weight, tiredness, narrowness of the excursion.I maintain the present conditions by continuing pressing it with elastic stockings regularly and periodical specialized drainage and make trial and error for improvement every day.

When it feels tired with time when atmospheric pressure became low that a symptom in particular turns worse. I turn worse even if I continue walking too much.

I live so that inflammation is not caused while being careful every day.

さらに一年後の 2014 年に再度、同手術を受け、5箇所繋いでもらいましたが、術後の瘢痕が硬くなり、感覚麻痺と 腫れが引くまでに一年かかり、もともと症状がひどかった右足の方が悪化してしまいました。
毎日欠かさず弾性ストッキングで圧迫を続けることと、定期的な専門的ドレナージで現状を維持、改善に向けて試行 錯誤しています。